보습을 쳐서 칼을 – Beat your plowshare song lyrics

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보습을 쳐서 칼을 – Beat your plowshare song lyrics

보습을 쳐서 칼을
그 칼로 원수를 찌르리
찬양의 무기 들고 나가
승리의 주님 선포해

용사여 다 나오라
약한 자도 나와
용사여 다 나오라
찬양하며 싸우리
용사여 다 나오라

Beat your plowshare in to a sword song lyrics in english

Beat your plowshare in to a sword
And weild it agrinst the enemy
Make your praises a wea-pon of war
Declare His mighty victory

Bring down your warriors O Lord
Let the weak say I’m storg
Bring down your warriors O Lord
Let’s smite the enemy with our song
Bring down your warriors O Lord

Disclaimer: "The lyrics are the property and copyright of their original owners. The lyrics provided here are for personal and educational purposes only."
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