7 Keys to Intimacy With Jesus

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When I looked at my relationship with Jesus and the intimacy that I shared with Him, I wanted to write a book about how I secured that intimacy. And I came up with the 7 Keys to Intimacy that were central to my life. I hope you enjoy this summary.

KEY 1 Obedience

One of the most powerful and useful ways to draw close to Jesus is for you to develop a posture of obedience. This not only includes obeying the commandments of Jesus of which there are fifty, but this also includes obeying the directions of the Holy Spirit. The more you obey Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the sweeter your fellowship will be.

KEY 2 Prayer

It makes a lot of sense to speak to Jesus in prayer. What is more beneficial though, and something that will allow you to grow intimate more quickly is for you to develop the ability to have two-way prayer with Jesus where he talks back to you. You can seek out books to teach you this.

KEY 3 Asking Questions

When you develop the ability to have two-way prayer one of the biggest keys to personal intimacy is for you to have the courage to ask Jesus hundreds and thousands of questions. Just like you ask a potential boyfriend or girlfriend many questions at the start of a relationship, your relationship with Jesus will grow faster the more questions that you ask.

KEY 4 Right Theology

If you have a theology that has you believe that God is an angry God that is demanding and harsh, you will need to have your theology changed through reading the right books. If on the other hand, you think God is happy with you no matter what sins you do and that you never need to repent this also needs to change to become more intimate with Jesus.

KEY 5 Being Set Apart

Jesus does not want to share you with your lust for the world. The more that you let go of the things of the world you live in the closer you will come to Jesus. Jesus abhors idolatry.

KEY 6 Word of God

The more you meditate on the Word of God and the more you apply it to your life the closer you will become to Jesus

KEY 7 Friendships

Psalm 1:1-3 shows us what you need to do to have a great relationship with God. One of the requirements is for us only to surround ourselves with people who are upright and righteous. It is better to have no friends than to have friends that pull you down.

I hope you are encouraged by this article and you will be able to apply these 7 keys to Intimacy with Jesus. I wish you well in your journey with Jesus.

Source by Matthew Robert Payne

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