"God Is Love" (Christian song – original)


stream/purchase through bandcamp at: https://aliauburn.bandcamp.com

As a side project, a few years ago, I recorded a few of the spiritual songs I’ve written in the past. This is a personal project that I chose to share in case anyone else would get anything out of the songs. They’re written as personal prayers, and they are very special to me which is why I didn’t want to take them down; Even though I don’t consider myself a Christian singer, my faith is a big part of my life, and I don’t want to hide that. I hope they touch you in some way, or even just give you a moment’s peace.

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      Tamil Christians Songs Lyrics

      Christian music has long been a powerful source of inspiration, comfort, and encouragement for believers around the world. Rooted in biblical truths and themes, Christian songs offer a unique blend of beautiful melodies and meaningful lyrics that touch the hearts of listeners. In this article, we will explore some of the most uplifting Christian song lyrics that continue to resonate with people, nurturing their faith and bringing hope in challenging times.


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      WorldTamilchristians-The Collections of Tamil Christians songs Lyrics