Ki Pyrton – Nga la thrang tang ia Me ko Trai.(Christmas khasi song with lyric)

Ki Pyrton – Nga la thrang tang ia Me ko Trai.(Christmas khasi song with lyric)

Nyngkong eh ngim lah khlem da pynpaw ka jingsnguh ia U Trai nongbuh nongthaw Uba la don ryngkat bad ngi lynba ki sngi ki por ba la leit noh, ia ki jingkyrkhu jong U kat haduh ba ngin lah ban long kumne. Kane ka jingrwai ka long kum ka jingaisngewbha(Khristmas) jong ngi kum ka group( Ki Pyrton) ia baroh ki nongkyrshan jong ngi bad kiwei ruh kiba ioh ban sngap ia kane ka jingrwai Kristmas jong ngi kaba long artad kum ka jingialap ia ka khubor babha jong u Trai jong ngi U JISU KHRIST. Ngi ai ruh ka Khublei Kristmas ba suk ba kmen bad snem thymmai ba kmen ia baroh. To U Blei Un don ryngkat bad ngi kumjuh bad phi broh kiba ieit jong U.

Composed : Mr. S.S.Manners.
Vocals : Mr. Lamphrang Suchen. Mr. Chanmiky Manners.
Music & Arranged : R.Khongnoh(Shngain).
Recorded : R.N. Recording Studio Pynursla.👉

Special thank :
Snapshot studio Pynursla.
Mr. S.S.Manners.
Mr. Khrawbok Sohklet.(snapshot studio)
Mr. R.Khongnoh(Shngain).

Social media
Chanmiky Manners 👉
Lamphrang Suchen 👉

Produced by KI PYRTON @All right reserved

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      Tamil Christians Songs Lyrics

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